Gettysburg International Ghost Hunters Conference
Dr. Dave Oester and Dr. Sharon Gill host
the I.G.H.S. Convention every year in Gettysburg Pennsylvania . The best aspect
of Dave and Sharon's yearly conference is getting the chance to see people
you love to hunt with , but only see once a year . Two of my favorites are
Tom and Eileen who I joined two of the four nights I was in Gettysburg . The
first night we met up at Sach's Bridge Picture # 2 was captured in the pointing
the camera towards the infamous haunted woods behind the bridge . The next
night I met everyone at Spangler's Woods and Devil's Den . In Spangler's Wood's
I captured a very eerie EVP. I had asked what they thought of the yearly reenactments
of the battles . A very loud and long groan can be heard clearly . At Devil's
Den near the four cannons picture # 1 was then captured . You can clearly
make out a figure in the bottom left corner . The last Gettysburg Ghost Conference
I had attended I spent a long time talking with Patti who owns the Farnsworth
House . She had told me as a child she would go to the actual Collin's family
cemetery and read books amongst the graves dating from the early 1700's .
After the show Dark Shadows came out Patti said the cemetery had began to
be vandalized and they reentered Barnabas Collins's grave , but all the rest
of the family were still buried there . So on this visit to Gettysburg I promised
myself I would go back to the Farnsworth house and get directions from Patti
on it's whereabouts . Patti was busy giving a tour but her father graciously
provided us with directions into the countryside to find the cemetery from
one of my favorite childhood television shows . Sure enough there were all
of the family names from the show . A big indention in the ground showed where
Barnabas's grave had once laid . It had snowed the night before and the blanket
of white set a beautiful back drop for these ancient gravestones . In pictures
# 3 and # 4 you can see on the enlarged version the daytime ecto floating
around us as we walked and recorded the dates of each family members gravestone
. As always Gettysburg was a wonderful getaway for a couple of days of historical
ghost hunting .